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Terms & Conditions

  1. By making a booking for a Speed for Sport Scotland camp or activity on behalf of a named participant you confirm that: you are the parent or carer responsible for the named participant and you consent to the named participant taking part in the activity on the terms set out in these Terms and Conditions.

  2. Your booking is not confirmed until you receive an email from Speed for Sport Scotland confirming the named participant’s place in a session. Speed for Sport Scotland reserves the right to limit and to alter numbers on any particular activity. In the event that your payment is processed and we are unable to confirm the named participant’s place on the activity, we will contact you and endeavour to accommodate the named participant on the next available session or, at your option, refund your payment in full.

  3. Speed for Sport Scotland have full public liability insurance. However, you acknowledge that there is an inherent risk of injury, including serious injury, in relation to taking part in sport, and that all risk cannot be excluded. Speed for Sport Scotland will take all reasonable steps to minimise the risk of injury, but our insurance does not cover you for inherent risks or customer negligence. Parents accept that no claim may be made against Speed for Sport Scotland or any coach except where Speed for Sport Scotland is negligent, we do not accept liability for the personal injury of any participant or spectator.

  4. The parents authorise the coaches while in loco parentis to take and/or to authorise, in good faith, all decisions that safeguard and promote the welfare of the participant. The parents’ consent to such physical contact with the participant as may be lawful, appropriate, and proper for coaching and to provide comfort if the participant is in distress, or to maintain safety and good order. The parent also consents to medical treatment, including general anaesthetic and operation, under NHS or at a private hospital, when a Doctor certifies this as necessary for the welfare of the participant and if the parent or guardian cannot be contacted in time.

  5. Conduct. We reserve the right to remove any participant from a session at our discretion, if for example the participant is in our opinion causing disruption or distress to other participants. No refund will be made, and any other costs associated will be made at the parent/carer’s expense.

  6. By signing up to Speed for Sport Scotland activities, parents/carers are confirming that there is no reason known to them that their child is medically unfit to take part. Any medicines taken by participants at the camp are the responsibility of the individual and parent/carer concerned. It is vital that we are aware of all up to date medical and dietary information. Updated information must be forwarded in writing if any changes occur following booking form completion.

  7. Appropriate clothing and footwear must be always worn during every part of the coaching course or activity.

  8. Any personal belongings are the responsibility of their owner(s) and Speed for Sport Scotland do not accept liability for loss or damage, or stolen property belonging to an attending player. We do not accept any responsibility for losses or additional expense due to causes outwith Speed for Sport Scotland’s control.

  9. Full payment must be made prior to the start of the specified activity.

  10. We may occasionally use e-mail addresses, postal addresses or phone numbers which you provide us with for administrative reasons or future mailings. If you wish to be removed from this list please contact us via e-mail.

  11. We may process information for carefully considered and specific purposes which are in our interest and enable us to enhance the services or information we provide. We will never sell your data and we will keep your data safe and secure.

  12. By providing us with any personal information, related to you or the named participant or otherwise, you expressly and unconditionally release and hold harmless Speed for Sport Scotland from any and all liability for any injuries, loss or damage of any kind arising from or in connection with the use and/or misuse of the collected personal information.

  13. Unless you have notified Speed for Sport Scotland otherwise, you consent to the use of any pictures of the named participant taken at the activity being used for advertising or promotion of Speed for Sport Scotland's sessions only.

  14. Speed for Sport Scotland reserve the right to cancel, alter or amend, the date or venue of the session. Participants unable to attend the new activity will receive a full refund. If the change is made part way through an activity or camp then a partial refund only will be made.

  15. You can view our full privacy and cookies policy here.




Refund Policy 


1. When booking a block of sessions, the package is only valid within the timeframe stated. For example, a block of 4 sessions are valid only for 4 weeks from the date of the first session. A block of 6 sessions are valid only for 6 weeks from the date of the first session. 


2. In the event of sickness and emergencies, we allow for sessions to be rescheduled to a later date outside of this period, please contact Michael at 07713598130 for urgent requests.


3. If you are aware of a specific date you cannot make when booking a block then please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate. This must be brought to our attention when initially booking the block. 


4.In case of cancellation by Speed for Sport Scotland, a full refund of block booking / session price will be made, or part thereof if cancelled part way through.

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